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Gouda and Cheddar

Intense Aromas, Unmistakable Taste

Single Serving Pack

Standup Sachet

Large Packs


The Gouda packaged by Intergrana is a beautiful yellowish cheese with, outstanding for its richness of flavour and aroma. It has a typically sweet scent and unmistakably mild, sweet taste. Thanks to high-quality ingredients – milk, salt, microbial rennet, and cultures – our Gouda presents a smooth texture on the palate and leaves a pleasant milky taste in the mouth. The Cheddar cheese packaged by Intergrana, features a rich yellow colour. The scent is sweet and distinctive, intensifying as it ages, much like its taste. Packaged with high-quality ingredients – milk, salt, microbial rennet, and cultures – our Cheddar has a creamy texture on the palate, leaving a delightfully milky, slightly sharp flavour in the mouth.

Design and customization for a unique experience

Intergrana offers a wide range of customization options for any type of packaging. Depending on the volumes required and your specific needs, we will evaluate together the best solution.